WITW Summer '98 Nationals, Group Photo at the Shinnecock Inlet (photo in Asphalt Angels Magazine Nov/Dec '99)
Sue Mastelli,Vice President from '97 to Spring '99
Jack and Joyce Ehlich (1999 President)
Port Jefferson, Tuesday nights, Summer '99 (L to R) Camille, Joanne, Joyce, Nancy, Barbara, Robyn
Members at Bethany, Ct. (L to R) Robyn, Nancy, Sandee, Vicky, Chris, Camille, Anne (with trophy Anne won for her bike)
Some LI members at the Historic Cemetary Tour, 10/99
(L to R)Nancy, Tina, Angie, Sandee, Cat, Lisa, Anne, Meg
Same day, some different faces
(L to R)
Gail, Tina, Angie, Sandee, Cat, Lisa, Nancy, Meg
A group of members after a Diner Brunch 11/99
(L to R)
Rear: Vicky, Chris, Joyce, Julie, Vil, Laura, Sylvette, Janice, Bern Front: Becky, Sandee, Gail
Women in the Wind Jr. Wannabee, Amanda Ehlich