
I am 26, and a mother of 2. Married for 3 years, and yes, happy! I love to cook, and just recently started doing cake decorating. We are a very outdoorsy family, and I love camping, fishing, and hiking!

Hansen Planetarium

Gamewinners cheats etc.

Yahoo! Games

I love to cook! I also love reading, sewing, and spending time with my 2 boys and my hubby. During the warmer months we all camp and fish a lot. I also enjoy crossword puzzles and watching mystery shows. And can't forget, I LOVE playing Tomb Raider 4 on the Playstation! LOL!

I have 2 wonderful boys! They are Aaron, who is almost 6, and Haimish who will be 2 on January 20th! My hubbys name is Joe, and he is 27. We are very close to my mom, and she plays a big part in my kids lives.

My best friend is Lori. She lives up in Washington state now. :o(  We are still very close though, and talk about once a week on the phone, and of course, online when we happen to be on at the same time!