Jones Leung

I knew Jones Leung in form four as we were classmates at that time. However, our relation didn't come close after a two-year-time.

In form six, I invited him to be the treasurer of the Astronomy Club of the school, which is chaired by me. His seriousness towards work in the club activities was completely shown. I really admire him.

Jones is a small-bodied person. He is good at football and he always wins applause from the audience. I like football also but my skill is well below him. We become best friends since October, 1997. He gives me support when I am down and he shares my happiness. He also helps me in organizing the Astronomy Club. Without him, I cannot do so many things and the club cannot run smoothly. Thanks a lot!

Now, he is studying Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering in The University of Hong Kong.

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