For The Love Of Romantic Fiction

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Hi I'm Monica (My Geocities name is Book-Reviewer)
I signed up on 04/30/98 10:59:29, but haven't moved all the way in yet. So, bear with me until I get everything running according to plan. And I have some big plans for this site.

My interests are:
Romantic fiction, of course, which leads to this web page. I write book reviews--some upon author's request. I also enjoy quilting, but have always made them for someone else. One day I will do one for me!

Quite a variety of interests, huh? Really though, I love romantic fiction and this is one way I can share it with others who like it as well.

At this site you will find links to the following:
Romantic Fiction
*Book Reviews -- over 280 from over 135 different authors! Of course, I am in the process of uploading all these reviews, so not all of the links are working properly and may not be for a short time. Hang in there and I will get them going as soon as I possibly can.
Links to Author Home Pages
Christian Author information

Email me here or my Geocities e-mail address is -- click here for the prompt.

Please come back soon and visit me. I would love to hear from you, so e-mail me to one of the addresses above.

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