My Academic Life

Master's Degree
I received my Master's Degree in developmental psychology at the Department of Developmental Psychology at Åbo Akademi University, Vasa in 1997.
Research in Adoption
At present, I am working with research in the field of adoption. Adoptees’ Search for Roots is the project which I am involved in.

The purpose of the study is to investigate post-adoptive services related to search for roots, the reception of returning adoptees’ at the adoption agencies, and the attitudes of staff members towards returning adoptees, as well as to investigate the returning adoptees’ desires and aims as related to their return visits to their country of origin.

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Orphaned and Abandoned Children
Another field of research that I am interested in is orphaned and abandoned children, and determinants for their development and well-being. The project Orphaned and Abandoned Children in Eastern and Western Europe, is based on our previous research in West Bengal 1995. The research project is now being developed by my dear friend and collegue Katja Uthardt.
Publications in Research
Uthardt, K., Wiklund, A., Sandell, C., Huhtamäki, H., & Louhi-Timmerbacka, K. (1998). 21 Orphanages in West Bengal: Factors Determining Orphaned and Abanoned Children's Development and Well-Being. (K. Björkqvist, Ed.), Pro Facultate, 3, (special edition).
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