Natal Chart: Born September 5, 1970 at 7:39 pm
I had my chart read to me by an experienced astrologer on October 22, 1998. She made a tape for me, which I though was a great Idea, since things don't always stick in my short term memory. So these are notes from that tape.

Sun (Ego) was in Virgo when I was born
Ego is that which gives me the sense of being important in my life, Virgo is the quality of unconditional service. That which is naturally easy and makes the Ego feel good.
When I was born the sun was in my 7th House (Relationships).
I came into the world with a very focused chart. The focus is on healing and service. Virgo, is the healer in astrology, the reason for this is because Virgo gives unconditional physical service. And when ever it is unconditional physical service, it automatically bumps into the unconditional unphysical service which is our spiritual world. So I bring in all the healing qualities whenever I am doing an unconditional service. A basic healer. I came in to do healing work. A real unconditional healer, with the ability to not work very hard at it.

Sun in a long conjunction with Mars
Mars, the giver of energy, the gas that makes the car go. Mars gives me the unlimited energy to give that healing energy to others, being service oriented, my desire to help others. If I start feeling resentful, thats when the energy runs dry, I'm feeling like someone is not appreciating me.

Moon in Scorpio
Scorpio ruled by Pluto, the transformational influence, Pluto also rules psychology, psychologist, this is because they are always aware of how they have gone through transformation, its not something that is visible on the surface, it is an internal process. And are able to recognize those who are experiencing similar things and are often able to help guide them through. With Pluto there is a very intense power, to litterly die and be born again. Having to let go, cut the strings completely.
Emotionally I will and have already gone through many emotional lifetimes in this lifetime. I make changes in quantum leaps ~ big life changing leaps periodically, emotionally.
Emotionally I am very powerful. Pluto - Scorpio the powerhouse, Moon being emotions.
Symptoms of impending leaps are power struggles and control issues. These signify I'm out growing someone, something, someplace, it could be anything. The easier I can let go, the easier it will be to pick up and carry on.
A natural psychotherapist. With the ability to help people with out taking on their problems, emotionally I am able to keep my distance.

Moon & Jupiter Conjunct
Jupiter being the philosophical planet. Talking about the spiritual, Looking at the big picture. Jupiter is considered lucky. Positive affirmations - emotionally I am good at this, physically, the ego is not so good, feeling that I have to work for it.
"I can have anything." The natural ability to expand. Jupiter is the publisher, to gather all the pieces, putting it all together and make it available to everyone else.
Concentrate on the psychological. Take psychology courses, get some training. It is an area that I naturally excel at.

A very powerful healer. This is what I came in to do. Keep the ego out of the way, it makes me feel unappreciated, saps my Mars energy. "I'm doing this for me - not for them" It is my growth and who I am. When the ego stays out of the way, I feel really good about what I do, and I have lots of energy with which to do it with.
Getting others to accept what I have to offer, rather than trying to get them to appreciate what I have to offer, because they may not be evolved enough to appreciate what I have.

Mercury - brain function, data storage, communication, like a computer is in Virgo
So I think like a computer, very organized, with the capacity for lots of data. I learn fast with hands on stuff.
When I was born Mercury was Retrograde, meaning it has the appearance of going backwards, backing up to take a look at the road map, to make sure this is the right way, to reconsider. Making sure this is the right choice.
I have a tendency to rehearse important things I want to say to some one, to the point I know exactly what I want to say. Then knowing it so well, I assume others know what I'm talking about and leave things out, skip over basic stuff, I think they already know when in reality they don't. This leads to misunderstandings. Make a list, take notes, so I don't skip over things.

Mercury conjuncts Pluto
Pluto being the planet of transformation, metamorphous, death and rebirth. With mercury and Pluto my mind also goes through many transformations just like my moon/emotions.
A master detective or researcher, always wanting to uncover more.
When I get mad, I get cold. (this is true)
A powerful woman. Emotionally and Mentally. I can intimidate others because they can see my power. So I play the nice girl so not to scare them off. The Venus part of me wants to be accepted, keep the world calm and beautiful.
The researcher in me is Scorpio. Mercury and Jupiter urge me to consolidate the research, publish it, to teach classes. I have the ability to move people, using their own power to move them rather than my own to try and push them.

Mercury trine Saturn
Trine being an easy part of the chart, Saturn is the purpose in life, the sense of responsibility, career. The feeling of success or failure.
My career work comes easily to me. No matter what I want to do. Moving from one life to another. Respect it. Stay unconditional about it.

Venus is in Libra
My creative expression. Venus likes to make things nice.
Always knows how to be nice in any situation. Will keep peace at any price, having the ability to back away from someone when they're in a bad mood to keep the peace.
My lightness and easy going nature is in the Venus quality.
Never stop doing something that is creative, this reflects my beauty and harmony. And is my creative expression outlet, which may not be reflected in my service oriented nature.

Uranus is in Libra
Uranus is the higher mind, creative thought and ideas. Connect intellectually with others. Often on the same wave length with someone else.

Neptune in Scorpio
Neptune the spiritual connection.
A wonderful ability to connect with the spiritual whenever I'm doing healing work. Unconditional spiritual healing.

Progressions - what is going on currently

Starting about 10 years ago my Sun (Ego) entered in to Libra - and started building toward who I am now.

About 3 years ago starting in 1995, my Sun (Ego) in Libra (relationships, beauty & harmony) conjunct with Uranus (the higher mind). I entered it to a major relationship, whatever else it may be it is a very strong friendship relationship.

My Moon has returned to the same place 8 months ago as where it was when I was first born. This is a New Moon, a new beginnings. Began my website, a major direction in my life. Scorpio energy - transformation.

Moon Conjuncting with Venus - Soul emotions - Relationships. The next few months could be very emotional. In the process of outgrowing certain areas of my life. If they are not emotionally satisfying then I'll outgrow them. Recognize it by the power struggles.
It is me, not them or whatever, The Butterfly transformation, Letting go, moving beyond. With in the next 2-3 months.
Career issues may come up, the Saturn influence. The challenges of being the best person I can be while going through the process of letting certain things go.
Devastation is when I don't want to let go. Trying to cling to whatever. When you let go it is not devastation, it's just moving on. It becomes less painful.

Mercury is returning to the same place this year as it was when I was born. This suggests a new beginning mentally. This is a good time to further my education, go back to school, take workshops, teach, to use my brain. It is recharged and looking for more input. Take advantage, learn some new stuff.

Mars sextile (*) Venus and the Moon
Venus - Moon (Scorpio) Intense relationships, emotional and physical experience. Relationships with people, places and things, this is on the physical plane. - Transformation.
Sextile (*) can take any path, lots of choice, regardless of path, it will get me where I want to go.
Mars is saying which ever path I take with these relationships, I've got the energy to get there. I've got lots of options. I always know which way to take if I stop and get centered.

Jupiter conjuncting my Moon
Jupiter and Moon were a distant conjuncting when I was born. Now Jupiter is back in the same place this year as when I was born.
Travel, exploring, higher education, foreign territory. Do, Go or Learn something new. Expanding, Growing. Looking at my bigger picture.
Jupiter is Lucky. Positive affirmations, be careful what I ask for as I'm likely to get it. A major mode for publishing.

Saturn opposing Saturn
Saturn is the sense of responsibility of being the best I can be.
Exactly opposit my progressed moon and Venus (relationships, and emotional situations) with in the next 2-3 months. Coupled with concerns of whether I am a success or failure, is this my career? Am I being the best that I can be?
Utilize positive affirmations, now is a powerful time for this. Visualize where I want to go, who I am becoming, where I want my career to go.

Transits - What is happening now
Pluto is sextile(*) to Uranus and Sun. Transformation, lots of ways to make changes, lots of options.

Neptune sextile Neptune
Lots of spiritual information coming in, lots of spirit guides around me, lots of spiritual help. In a very psychic mode, and a very healing mode. Unconditional healing. I'm in a place where I have the opportunity to have some very profound spiritual experiences. Alot of ways to look at myself spiritually.

Uranus trining Uranus
Lots of origional ideas. In a brilliant mood right now. Write those ideas down.

Uranus squared Moon and Jupiter
Boxed in emotionally, cornered, up against a wall.
Possibly because I don't know enough about my ideas to really do anything with them at this time. Emotionally I feel stuck. Allow the emotional transformation to happen. Realize what I'm emotionally stuck about. Keep notes when I'm feeling stuck. These feelings may come from feeling like I have to stay with something that I'm outgrowing. I don't know how to move on. Uranus is giving me ideas on how to move on. But timing is an issue. It is about being the best person I can be under the circumstances.
With in a month this feeling will pass. Take notes when ever I'm feeling boxed in.

Saturn trine Mars
Time to make the moves. Action. Career moves. Now is the time, if not on the physical plane, at least get the plan outlined on paper. I'm ready to make a move. Even though I'm feeling emotionally blocked, that is part of the process, part of the moves.

Jupiter trine Moon & Venus
In the next 3 months or so a big trine to moon & Venus.
end of tape, and that short term memory has failed me....

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