Staghorn Fern
(P. bifurcatum)
Growing Conditions:
Temp: Normal room temps are fine.
Light: Bright filtered light.
Water: During the active growth period water thoroughly then allow to become almost comphetely dry before watering again.
Feed two or three times during the summer with a standard liquid fertilizer. In the water just give a brief emersion in water.
Humidity: High humidity is very important. Spray the plant regularly.
Personal Notes:
I've had my plant for about a year I guess, not sure when I got it exactly. Since aquiring the plant, it seems to be quite happy. In Nov. of 1999 it put out an new section of leaves and a pair of round flat leaves. The round leaves turned brown and I got quite worried, but after some research and talking with Robert Black, he assured me this was normal.
Feb 22, 2000
I knew my plant needed repotting because its current pot kept tipping over when it dried out, too top heavy. I considered attaching the plant to a peice of bark wrapping the roots in spagnum moss, and hanging it. After consideration, I desided I wanted to keep it in a pot. I found a orchid pot, very pretty, I lined the pot with spagnum moss on the bottom and sides of the pot because the orchid pot has holes in it. I put some potting soil in the bottom on top of the moss and placed the plant inside the new pot, spooned more soil between the plant and moss. So I hope it stays happy. To water the plant, now I'll place it in a bowl of water. I'll post how it is doing as time goes by.