8 September 1998

Dear Francesca,

This morning when I left for work a cool breeze blew, lightly rustling the leaves. Summer is ending. This time of the year feels bittersweet to me always, and it is also a time of year that is memory-soaked. Something about the season, the changes, perhaps, cause me to think of days and years past more than any other time of year. I always think of my college years. I wonder how many years it will take before I stop feeling the pull of going back to school. New books, new classes, seeing friends again...but I don't really want to be back in school. I just think of those moments walking across a manicured campus with the leaves falling and being so full of new ideas, and then I feel, for a few moments, the desire to return.

I think I am already getting my first fall cold, a sinus infection, actually. My body feels run down and sluggish. I will probably go to bed early, burrow under the sheets and hope for a good night's sleep.

Hannah Iona


a home of sorts

short thoughts on small things
