Dear Francesca, Last night's letter seemed a bit stilted when I thought about it today. I had so many things I wanted to tell you, and it was hard to explain them consisely. I do want to tell you more about what happened, but tonight I am tired and can't sort it all out. But I will tell you about my dream last night. I was sitting among a circle of people and we were getting ready to play cards. My ex-boyfriend A___ was sitting across from me and dealing the cards. Instead of dealing them directly to each person, they were passed around the circle upside down so they couldn't be seen. At some point my cards became quite large--larger than a sheet of regular paper--but everyone else still had regular cards. A___ tossed five dollars and some change into the circle, a girl tossed in a toy, another girl tossed in seven dollars, someone else offered a small toy. "Can we just play without betting?" I asked. "I don't have any money." And that is all I remember.
short thoughts on small things