26 April 1998

Dear Francesca,

Words aren't coming easily. I am tired, hurting, and depressed (what's new?). Mumma has spent the weekend with me, cleaning and cooking. I feel guilty to have taken her whole weekend, and I feel bad that I can no longer take care of basic chores. I am struggling to get through a 40 hour work week that takes all of my energy and then some. Weeknights are so short, and weekends don't provide enough time to catch up and rest.

I dread tomorrow. I want a vacation so much just to rest.

As my words tonight are so flat, here's a few words by Diane Ackerman to think about: "I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well."

Hannah Iona

