Have I Lost who I am?
I brought you forth, long years ago
With love, with pain, with Joy,
Carefully i tended you,
Guarded you, guided you
That you might grow and thrive.
That you might learn
That you might love
That you might know the joy it is
Just to be alive.
You were you -
Not just a shadow of some other life.
Different from all others.
God placed in you
An individual charm,
A warmth that radiated from your heart
To all who came in touch with you
And made each day a thing apart.
And now you ask -
“Have I lost who I am?”
Sorrow and pain and joy
Come into every life - soon or late,
And with it, always, comes the question “Why”
Some become bitter, filled with hate.
Some give up and say ‘tis fate’,
But some take up the strings
And start again.
Do this and you will find yourself,
Warmer, sweeter, wiser.
A deeper, richer YOU.
ith love from Mum, (Betty)