Poetry is food for the spirit, sonata for the soul. It is a vehicle for our emotions, and medicine for our hurt wounds. Some heal when we pen our thoughts into line, others heal when we read those lines.


Once in bondage to our secrets and their lies
We lie in terror of the darkened sky
Silenced, oppressed, the prediditor victorious
The scars within us bleed.

Then we found we were not alone
Together we take a stand
We snatch victory from the clutches of defeat
We will be silenced no more!

Although the preditor lurks around
And the stench of evil engulfs us all
Let us not forget what we are here to do
The promise of victory is our goal.

Although we may be different,
We may not always see eye to eye,
Survivors all, we stand hand in hand
We refuse to be divided!

"Survivors" written by tearjerker, 1998. Used by permission.

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