October 6th - Crossing from Ontario to Manitoba


The sound of thousands of geese filling the sky , and ministry for my neglected feet, greeted me at "Gurtishall" - Place of Peace, the home of Sheila, Hanna, and Otto the cat.

Opened in August of 2001 and blessed in November of that year, Gurtishall provides a space for the integration of spirituality and care of the earth. Coming from the Celtic spiritual tradition and embracing the teachings of Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry, the house is located on an organic farm south of Winnipeg.

Western religion has been based on images and ideas that place "man" above creation, in a hierarchical pyramid with the earth at the bottom. Yet, the earth would survive without us while we cannot survive without the earth. As with all pyramids, without the bottom, the top topples!

Todays Wisdom teachers are reminding us that we are intimately related to the rest of creation, not isolated from, or superior to it. God embraces the whole of creation and permeates it with love. We are a part of the whole, and when we don't treat the rest of creation with respect, we are walking a path to death instead of life.

It was a great blessing to receive an invitation to stop here on my pilgrimage and experience hospitality and renewal. It truly is a "place of peace"


fields prepared in expectation of life to come

the house of prayer and peace