The Frog Queen

Ta-Daaah!!! This is the beufster, aka., the vamp, and mom (to some)
To me, she is a great friend.
Although we try to keep that a secret, so shhhhhhhhhh.
Peeps dont understand that, because they see us bickering all the time, but they dont dare say something about one of us, cause if they do, they are totally confused when the other one comes to the rescue.*l*
Of course Im forever having to get her out of predicaments *sigh*
It must be those long slimy green legs of hers.
And dont ever tangle with her, she will stomp all over you with those webbed feet .
The room would be a dreary place without her, thats why she's there a lot, we have chained her to the floor, so she cant hop away. *s* Everyone loves the beufsterand hopefully you will meet her someday when you float through the room . 1