I get numerous inquiries about Bullions and the problems stitchers encounter with trying to make them. Hopefully the following instructions will help you to "Build a Perfect Bullion".
Rayon Threads: Remember! Rayon thread is a Z-twist and must be wrapped Clockwise in order not to unwind the twist! (Compared to Cotton (DMC, Anchor) which is a S-twist and must be wrapped counter clockwise.)
If you have never worked with Rayon thread, bullions are the perfect time to consider it. Rayon, because of its smoothness and silkiness makes pulling thread through multiple wraps as easy as pie. I consider Rayon the premier thread to be used for Bullions.
With this in mind, let's work on a 45 wrap Bullion, such as in the Japanese Violet. Shown above on the right.
Thread a Milliner or Straw needle, preferably a Bullion needle (longer), pull your thread through loosely to the opposite end of the end you threaded . (This allows your thread to untangle). We use a Straw or Milliners needle because the eye of the needle is the same diameter as the rest of the needle, with the exception of the point, which makes it easier to pull your needle through multiple wraps. Knot your thread (with a Brazilian Knot).
Step 1: Come up through the underside of your fabric at "A", pulling your thread through. Go down at "B" and without pulling the needle through come up a thread beside "A". Push the needle through so that there is only about 1/4 " at the eye end sticking out of the fabric.
Step 2: Position the thread on the left side of the needle and tuck your left index finger behind the needle to lift it away from the fabric. As you wrap your thread, with each wrap you can put your left index finger on the wrap and push it down towards where the needle exits the fabric. Loosely, make 45 (clockwise) wraps. Hold the last wrap with your left index finger.
Step 3: This is where a gripper or piece of rubber glove comes handy. Use the gripper to grab hold of the tip of the needle. While pulling the needle through the wraps, use your index finger to smooth the wraps to a tight and uniform size (this is called "stroking the belly") . When the wraps get tight to the fabric, hold the bullion flat to the fabric with your left thumb while holding the back of the fabric with your other fingers of the left hand while gently tugging on the thread to "set" the bullion.
Step 4: Anchor the bullion by punching the needle down into the fabric (not more than one thread width away from the insertion stitch. Anchor with a small stitch on the back.
And you are ready to do your next bullion. With one length of Rayon thread, you will be able to do 4 - 45 wrap bullions.
Let your thread and needle dangle loosely from the fabric between bullions -- this will relax any tension on the thread.