this is my most recent was given to jesse for our it?
The hand Art of the day...It basically takes me a couple minutes to do this stuff every morning (out of boredom)
This is that painting i had here before...but in fun...This is also my favorite painting in the whole wide came from a whole lot of vented anger...For some reason it turned into creativity...
This is a drawing that i did of ben affleck...then i just put in in the computer and messed with it a now it is embossed...and really nice...
This is a portrait of jesse that i did before i actually met is from his trading card...but ironically enough i changed it to look more like what i thought he would look like...and it turned out pretty accurate...
these are two things that were already baked clay...that i got to paint...they are so cute...
yet another sketch i decided to mess with on the computer...
this needs no explaining, i presume...
This is what one of my walls in my room looks like...the wax painting in the middle was done when i was 8...yes...that's right...i was 8.
This was a drawing i did all in colored pencils...
This is blurry...but deal with is an oil painting on soft canvas...