
sent away because of lack of importance to the tribe

ok the text here was too corny even for me...this is jesse...he says, it's horrible to meet you, fine madame.

This is a nice picture that i took in april it is almost too close up though...oh

this was the same day and time...but i think it is a better picture

this is the first picture i saw of was an online trading card thing that one of the skit comedy groups that he was a part of decided to make...(taken 2 years ago approx.)

i took this picture the first time i met him...he had to come to my house to impress and woo my i could go out with him and have still trusting parents...(taken oct. 16th approx.)

This was from halloween .I was Harley Quinn and he was joker (you'll see me in the next one)

This is joker and his assistant, harley (me)...we went to kira's party like this and encountered other weird a bum...a girl as a pimp...and a bat and such...