=A Long Story Short=
To start a new life,Isn't as easy as you might have thought,And even to create one,Doesn't bring the same happiness you brought.But since we are all,Creations of another,We all must be friends,To one another.
And this what I write,Will be given to you,From my deepest emotions,And the brightest of blue.You held me in your arms,When I was a tiny soul,And you were forever there,Even when my heart was made of coal.
(c) by Belinda Barry
There are times when I'm cruel,happy and sad,But because of your Love,I have things others never had.I never show such sorrow,That others might bring to me,There was so many times I didn't realize,That here you'll always be.
(c)by Darcy May
There was long seasons,I had made you cry,Such in many cases,Your trust for me wont lie.But after all my years,And all the crazy things I do,
I've made one thing very clear,That you raise me to be true.
I want to let you know,How I feel this in my chest,That from all the teachers I've had,You'r by far the best.And in the future,when I make mistakes again,I know they wont exist,And you'll be here now and then.
So to make a Long Story Short,You've given me a long life ahead,I forever thank you,For all the things you said.
There's so many sad stories,That till this day wont burn,But there's so many happy things,That we all have yet to learn.
So to my beloved Parents,That we are yet like Casper,
(c)by Jeffrey K. Bedrick
Such as a happy sad soul,But still...We have yet to prosper.
(c)by James C. Christensen
byEdna Jr.
"Copyright-All rights reserved by EdnaJr."
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