My Ancestors..........and perhaps Yours.....their lives in their New World, and maybe a bit of the Old

Every man is a quotation from his ancestors...............

                                                              Ralph Waldo Emerson
I have begun posting my Family History to these pages,and I will continue as long as there is information and stories coming my way about our ancestors, whichever branch of the Family Tree, it doesn't really matter.  If you are a cousin, and have some information or stories to share, leave me a message on my message board at the bottom of this page, or my email, also at the bottom of the page.  I'll get in touch with you, and if I can put together the family, I'll make a page to tell their story.

The family names that I will be posting here will start with;

Horning, Delbert
Horning, Elias
Horning, Jacob
Horning, Jeremiah
Horning,Ira Smith


KEYSER, Katherine (Kathelina, Catherine)






just to name a few for now.

Please stop by again, and see what I have accomplished.  This is my Millenium project, and it just might take a millenium to complete.

But if you're bored, and looking for something else try some of my links.
I will start with the "oldest" ancestor I have on record.  Andris Souplis born in France in 1634.  Andris was a French Huegenot who left France in 1682.   He was in the French Army, an upper class Huegenot.  History tells it that the French were burning people or burying them alive, so the Huegenots fled.  In 1683 Andris and his wife ( Anneka)  emigrated to England.  Then they came to "the New World", arriving October 17,1684, and settling in Germantown.

Andris was said to have been a friend of William Penn.  Due to his past military history and his education, he was of help to General Washington.


The SUPPLEE  name is very well-known in Montgomery/Phildelphia County.  The Montgomery County Historical Society made a copy of a pamphlet written on the family.  The old Supplee Family home  is just North of Norristown.  The old Supplee Chapel which is now a Methodist or Lutheran  Church stands nearby, and many of the chidren and grandchildren of Andris and Anneka Souplis are buried there, including a grandson, Peter, who died at Valley Forge.

Now Andris and Anneke and 5 children, and they were;

MARGARET - b. 1682
                      m. Peter Dirck Keyser Sept 24,1700 m. (2.) Michael Eccard
ANN - b. 1684 d. 9/24/1755 m. 1703 to Chas.Yocum
ANDRIS/ANDREA/ANDREW b. 1688 d.1747 m. (1.) circa 1714 to Anna Stackhouse
                                             m. (2.) Deborah Thomas
JACOB - b. circa 1692 d.1749 m.8/11/1720 at the 1st Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia OR
               06/11/1720 at Gwyndd M.M. in Lower?? Merion Twp. Phila. Co. PA

I have decided to do this a bit differently than your normal Genealogy Web pages.  Partly because I haven't got a clue as to how they do it, and partly because I like to do things my own way anyhow.  I love the stories of our ancestors and their travels to this new land.  I thought I would start my pages with the stories I have, and work down from our oldest known ancestors.

If I don't get this material down in writing it will continue to be collected as it is, which is not something anyone wants to have to try to sort out, believe me.
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The information that I have acquired and will be posting on these pages, is not guaranteed to be correct.  I have spent many hours researching the information that I have, and am willing to share my work with those of you who trip onto my pages, or are directed there by other genealogy enthusiasts.  I hope I can help some of you with your own research, and I, in turn would appreciate any assistance you can give to me, whether it is through a kind correction of any errors or ommissions, or filling in the blanks I have obviously not  been able to complete myself.
In any case please enjoy these pages as they develop.

please post a message on my message board &/or email me with any helpful hints, suggestions, ommissions, comments........................joni
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