Welcome to Julyruby3's Page


Please visit Justice for Justin




Welcome!  This page was brought to you courtesy of.....ME!  LOL  I am Carissa.  I'm a single mom to three wonderful boys.  Justin, Kenneth and Cody!  I'm a stay at home and work at home mom.  I try to be the best mother I can be.  Being a single parent isn't easy.  Hopefully someday I will meet Mr. Right/Prince Charming! 


Country Doodle Doo Websets

I'm on the computer most days unless I'm out at doctors appointments for me or my 3 boys.  You can reach me on yahoo as julyruby3 or on AOL/AIM as LovingMomTo3Boys.  I love surfing the net, chatting and just having fun with my yahoo groups and making awesome websites.

The "J" is for my oldest son and the "K" is for my middle son and the last "C" is for my baby!!!


Justin, Cody, Kenneth

I haven't done this in a long time.

I haven't gone to the clubs in awhile, but I  love to dance!

This is the state in which I was born. 


This is the state in which I grew up.

This is the state where I currently reside.


I chose this graphic because I used to be on the swim team in high school and I still like to go swimming!  I miss the fun that I had competing!


  I love Dolphins!!!   Miami Dolphins as well!!!


     I also enjoy the Arts!  Comedy, Drama and Music!!!


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  My Poetry    Children's Poems   Other Poems    Friend's Poetry

Favorite Greeting Cards      My School Days

Autism Awareness    Child Support Enforcement

Proud To Be An American