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About the author:
L.D. Chapman spent four years with his college paper in the early 70's. He has earned numerous writing and editing awards. And, although relegated to writing reports and proposals, his love for REAL writing never ceased.
Now, with over 20 years in the construction management field, he finds himself 'called.'
After an accidental meeting with a dear friend from college (who is now divorced after 25 years and on her own to deal with the sharks who drive those non descript white service vans), he has decided to level the playing field.
So many women are finding themselves out on their own, either by choice or by chance...with no "guy du jour" (as his friend Charlotte said) to fix things around the house. His book and column attempt to correct that problem.
And...a slight disclaimer from the author:
Please realize that I know not all women are completely helpless when it comes to home repair. Some of you might be offended at my elementary tone. However, my friend who inspired this freely admits that she is at a total loss when it comes to this kind of stuff. Most women probably fall somewhere between being totally lost and completely competent.
So, kind lady, please read this in
its intended spirit--the leveling of the playing field. Copyright 1999 by L.D. Chapman...all rights reserved"Art is long, life short; judgement difficult, opportunity transient."
--GOETHE 1749-1832