Wakefield West Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 1044
Greenwood, IN  46142

2006 Annual Meeting
*The 2006 annual meeting was held on January 26th at West Grove Elementary School.  Approximately 39 homeowners were in attendance and 14 proxies were submitted.  This satisfied the 20% quorum requirement necessary to conduct official homeowners business.

*  A proposal was made to amend clause 4.3 of the WWHOA Bylaws regarding board member compensation with the following phrase, "beyond the waiver of annual dues."  The bylaws were amended, thus allowing the waiver of board members' dues.
2006 Annual Dues
Dues notices were mailed out a few weeks ago.  Payments are due no later than March 31st this year.

Annual dues are $185.00
Is Your Mailbox Looking Tired???

If you are considering replacing your mailbox and/or posts, you can contact the following company for an exact replacement:

Caporale Poste, Inc.
1648 Old State Rd. 37
Greenwood, IN  46142
We are looking for volunteers to help paint the shelter at Yorktown Park on Saturday, April 1st.  If you are interested in helping out, please contact Bob Mello.
WWHOA Board Mission
To preserve the quality of living in Wakefield West and protect our property values.  We will accomplish this by properly maintaining common areas and ponds by ensuring our covenants are followed by all homeowners.
Neighborhood Beautification Projects Planned

A conceptual plan for the development of Yorktown Park was recently created.  The plan has several aspects for improving the shelter area and make it a more desireable destination for homeowners.  Key aspects of the development plan include landscaping around the shelter and a future playground area, similar to Potomac Park.  Other potential projects include adding trees along Wakefield Road, Section II Pond Brush Remediation, Repainting the shelter and a walking path from Section II to the shelter area.  If interested in learning more about these projects, contact one of the board members.
Smith Valley Road
Construction - Again!!!

As you have already probably already noticed, another major road construction project is planned on Smith Valley Road (SVR,) between Morgantown Rd. and ST. 37.  Both Wakefield entrances from SVR will be closed in the near future due to the road construction project.  The project is scheduled to last 120 days.  The purpose of the project is to widen SVR to create a center turning lane. 
Bluff Road Bridge Update

The bridge is about 85% complete.  The bridge will ultimately connect Wakefield Road to Bluff Rd. and provide an alternative means of access to the Wakefield neighborhood.  Construction of the bridge and adjoining road should be completed by May.  A three way intersection will be placed at the intersection of Wakefield Road and Wakefield Trace.
Remember to submit plans to the WWHOA Architectural Review Committee before beginning any exterior improvement projects this spring!

Some helpful hints on submitting your plans include

**Mail your plan to the WWHOA board, P.O. box, C/O the Architectural Review Committee

**Include TWO sets of plans

**Plans need to clearly show the location on the lot, exterior elevations of any structures, list of exterior surface materials and colors.

**REMEMBER, it is each homeowners' responsibility to submit such plans PRIOR to construction.

2006 Newsletter