Lisa's neurotic homepages


Dont worry, I have more photo's other than the kids!!!

This is Wally gator, I took his Photo in the wilds of Big Cypress florida.  No, this was not a zoo. I have many other wild gator pictures, as well as other  assorted oddities. I will show as many as I can.

Horned toad, I found while wandering the Palo Duro Canyon, In Amarillo Texas.


This Owl was also "spotted" in Florida.  It was a strange sight for the daytime.

SSsssite still under construction ................Stay Tuned......

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Ok,... so I decided to do a little research since I began this project.  I thought maybe I'd better figure out exactly what I was trying to accomplish and how exactly I achieved the above pages.   *SMILE* , So for now I am studying...and will resume construction in a while.