
This is the hard and bitter part... This poem left a not-so-good memory for me... I wrote this when I was 4th year in high school... During that time, I was forced to work to be able to support myself and my mom and be able to finish my studies... I was hardly coping up with my studies because I work at night time 'til late midnight... There was a bad rumor going on about me in the school and my teachers were very disappointed at me... One day we had an assignment in our literature class that required us to write poems... This is the one I came up with and happily submitted it to my teacher but she seems to be not interested... I was hoping that this would be published in our school journal but my teacher told me not to hope for it... She turned down this poem right into my face... And I can sense very well that the treatment I get from some of my teachers were personal... I almost lost my urge to finish 4th year... But thank God I was able to overcome all that... - brc
Time has a very vital role in every life
Time can cut every heart like a knife
Time can mend one's life; time can bend one's knees
Time can bring one an endless skies and forever-seas

Time can take someone's dreams away
Makes it fade forever in just a day
Time can make one a victim of its game
Never giving one the chance to play the same

Time can play with life's vicissitudes
Time can alter one's very attitudes
But time can also heal a wounded heart
Caused by itself when somebody have to part

Time can cure the sorrow; time can ease the pain
Time can take the sun away and bring forth the rain
Time can also bring happiness even just a little bit
Time can make one surrender and make him want to quit

Time is precious; time is gold
But no one can take it nor be it of hold
Time can take someone a river of tears
Time can take someone into a world of fears

Time can also make one say goodbye
Breaking one's heart to pieces deliver never-ending cries
Time is so powerful; as powerful as Mars
Winning over heroes, conquering every war

Time can also be as beautiful as Venus
So alluring and desirable letting one be seduced
Time can be like Cupid shooting every heart
Keeping them together, never ever will part

Time as well can train someone be strong
Every time there's danger, every time there's storm
Time can bring someone to be with, whenever he's alone
And be with him forever, wherever he may roam...

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