Sister Singers 2001 Festival
Planning Meeting
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Possible festival and concert venues were toured in the am hours. The following group convened for the afternoon meetings.Nancy Pierce – Calliope - Athens, Ohio
Gail Hecky – Calliope - Athens, Ohio
June Huelskamp – Muse
Robin Bechhofer – Womonsong
Diana Clegg – Artemis Handed out SSN history, past meeting minutes, previous newsletters
Katy Clusen – Artemis
Patty Rieman – Bread and Roses[Women's Chorus, De Kalb]
Mary Bucklin – Muse
Barb Schutzenhofer…Co-coordinator of Cincinnati festival (now residing in the UP of Michigan)
Chris Reed… Co-coordinator of Cincinnati festivalRachael Alexander – Sistrum Artistic Director
Nancy McCrohan – Sistrum
Annette Skinner – Sistrum – 2001 festival lawyer
Cathy Evans – Sistrum – 2001 festival treasurer
Geri Caruso – Sistrum
Jan Jewel – SistrumJanice Scalza – GRWC 2001 festival Co-chair
Sheryl Mase – GRWC 2001 festival Co-chair
Lori Tennenhouse – GRWC Artistic Director
Pat Lindgren – GRWC
Janet Thering –GRWC
Cheryl Beatty – GRWC
Lisa Erb – GRWC
Nadine Miller – GRWC
After each person gave a self-introduction, Janice put out the call for those who have gone before us to help guide us and others in SSN to help us.
Diana read the SSN mission statement and a brief history of SSN
SSN – is a “matrix” with various people fulfilling different roles to keep things going. Naomi is the hub, maintaining the mailing list. Previous festival issues have included accessibility and diversity.Other members of SSN were asked to give input on their experiences of the network.
: SSN started on a good note, but then it grew so quickly and lost cohesiveness. Pieces still exist “out there” – wondering if it may become more local? Pleased to see the pieces come back together.
Festivals should be available to “shoestring” choruses who don’t have large budgets
SSN started regionally with members within driving distance of each other, meetings and festivals. Houston festival opened it up more nationwide; Cincinnati increased the scale and distance making it a major undertaking to go to festivals.
The Internet should really help in communication within the network and concerning this festival.Yes there is the benefit of the Internet, but getting together in person better. Recognizes that GALA is becoming more organized and that more women’s choruses are involved in GALA. The two organizations are very different though. GALA festivals are BIG! SSN festival will hopefully be more intimate, a place for women to network, see and hear all the choruses.
Revisited an issue from the October/Chicago SSN meeting – who makes decisions, those here vs. the whole network The seed money for a festival is from the entire national network meaning women who are not here. Is it ok to spend this money if the festival is not open to everyone in the country or if it is limited?
Cincinnati was limited to a figure. These are announced meetings, open to all initially and then set deadlines, parameters. Portland was geographically limiting to chorus too. As the word gets out people can plan ahead and things will gel.
More discussion referring back to Chicago meeting regarding internet access, to insure everyone receives initial information about festival we will continue to snail mail and email.
Overview of Michigan Planning Effort to Date
Oct 99
SSN Meeting ChicagoNov ’99 through Jan ’00
Obtained GRWC board approval to proceed in festival planning
Reviewed materials on producing past festivals (Robin’s archives, Kristan’s archives: Portland and some from Cincinnati)
Contacted Grand Rapids Visitors and Convention Bureau
Began touring potential venues
Began setting up connections between GRWC and Sistrum for planningJan ’00
First meeting of GRWC and Sistrum planning committee (6 attending)
Review past festival info
Discuss tasks and responsibilities, overview, timeline
Set up committees:
Production, Housing, Transportation, Promotion, Financial/Fundraising, Registration/Communications, Community Outreach
(Agree these committees help plan April meeting but stay on after April to help plan Festival 2001)
Solicit others to help esp. legal, treasurer, point person for food etc April
Plan next meetingSSN Mailing (membership, April meeting)
Continue evaluating venues for the 2001 festivalFeb ’00
Second meeting of MI planning committee (12 attending)
Introduce new members
Committee reports
Center for Women as location for April
Contact Chris Reed and Kristan Burkert re: SSN seed money (Portland)
Continue evaluating venues for 2001March ’00
Third meeting of “Salmon Singers” (the affectionate name of the Sistrum/GR planning committee)
Conference Call with Chris Reed
How did Cincinnati do it?
Time involvement for treasurer
Committee reports
Registrations for April to date
Logistics for April
Using GRWC 501c3 status for SSN bank account (seed money)
Develop agenda for April meeting: times, topics
Expected outcomes for April meeting:
Pick venues
Agree on committees/structure needed going forward, what their work will consist of, who will serve on them
Do we need more planning meetings (entire group vs. committees)?
Network/Build relationships
Have fun
April meeting registration mailing
Update to choruswomen list
GRWC Board approval to set up SSN bank account under non profit chorus umbrellaOverview of groups involved in this festival and how they all fit together
Janice Scalza and Sheryl Mase co-chair the festival planning, are main contacts with the GR Convention and Visitor Bureau, oversee the workflow and timeline.
The GRWC provides members to serve on this initial committee and sub-committees. Members and volunteers to work on the festival.
Sistrum provides members to serve on this initial committee and sub-committees. Previous festival attendance experience. Legal and Accountant resources. Co-host with GRWC the 2001 festival
Other SSN members will hopefully step up take over
Coordination of workshops
Mass concert repertoire
Committee work
Maintain SSN address lists and assist with communicationsGRWC is a registered 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization, which will provide help with tax breaks. Explained that our Board will be assuming risks individually for Gross negligence/ willful misconduct etc. Liability insurance will be in place shortly.
Workflow and Structure of the Festival Planning
We have to start somewhere (how many people will come? then plan around that figure versus how many people/choruses can we accommodate and plan around that)
From the choruses that have expressed interest in this planning session via phone calls, email, or their attendance here a figure of 445 singers was generated. Probable that not all singers from each chorus would attend, but there are more choruses out there that will attend
The venues look like they may set the limit on size of mass chorus attendance in Grand Rapids
Need to look at the number of available concert times to decide how many choruses will be able to perform.
It is wonderful being in mass chorus BUT max number of pieces performed in mass should be 3-4 pieces. Too many songs require the attending choruses to use their rehearsal time to work on mass choir material. Some choruses attend only having spent a minimal time working on it. Wouldn’t advise a large mass chorus production. While it is a great Component don’t focus the festival around it. More enjoyable to hear and see what other choruses doing, and to network etc. Great experience to sing for each other. Would like to enjoy the entire festival experience (workshops, individual chorus concerts, etc.) Doesn’t want to spend a lot of time before or during the festival working on mass chorus.
The mass chorus has evolved over time. Provides opportunity for smaller, less “together” choruses to come and sing with other women. Also a way for choruses to get some of their music sung as each chorus could submit 1 song for mass chorus consideration. Chris notes we, as organizers are free to decide. 2-4 songs would be great, but don’t try to have a night of just a mass chorus concert. Cincinnati asked for a financial commitment from individual choruses. Any committed chorus was allowed to submit a piece for mass chorus. Committee sent out guidelines. The list was sent out to the choruses and each chorus scored the songs and the 4 songs were selected from top point/scored songs.
Suggestion made that practice tapes of the selected mass chorus songs be sent out to choruses ahead of time.
When we have the festival (not if) there will be some type of mass chorus. This means the venues may limit participation...or just limit the number of the mass chorus, not the festival attendance.
Mass chorus will need to be limited by venue on a first come first serve basis. If individual chorus coming and singing individually then maybe their members can be flexible about their participation in mass. Be sure that individual singers not attending with a chorus be allowed to sing in the mass chorus.
Discussions opened up to venues. Handicap accessibility, costs, location, sound, restroom facilities all factored into the discussion.
St. Cecilia’s for everything except/ mass chorus
Handicap accessibility concerns at St Cecilia – lack of parking, wheelchair problems for reaching stage from the dressing rooms. Parking limited and cross walks not great. Hallways narrow, elevator close by.
Consensus that with some care and work, obstacles could be dealt with
Cincinnati asked ahead of time – what are your special needs. Part of registration process. Designate spaces, have a crosswalk person available,Central High for Mass chorus event only. Not available on Memorial Day weekend? Janet may be able to acquire.
DeVos Very nice but - Overkill- Not available on Memorial Day weekendBREAK