Sister Singers 2001 Festival
Planning Meeting
Grand Rapids, Michigan
SSN treasury
$2023.62 in checking
$ 814.41 in savings/travel fund. This fund was used to help people travel to meetings.
$7900.00 in festival money – not SSN moneyThis weekend’s meetings has cost the festival fund $700.00
No dues asked for from SSN yet because there are funds available in the account.
Would like hard copy as well as web directory of choruses/members. Recommend not using a fancy binder like in the past, just staple.
Wants agreement that we move with a new directory.
Consensus agreed to move forward
Do we want to drop old members who have not responded to recent requests for updates?
Keep those addresses on hand, but drop them from the official directory/printed directory.Funds available if Artemis wants to call listings and check. Robin volunteers to help with that.
Some are in favor of pruning the list. If some groups can not respond after 3 reminders then cut them.
Goal is to have directory out in September.
One more mailing will go out for info to print in directory. Robin will help out.Plan for an October SSN meeting in Chicago around Artemis’s concert date.
If SSN draws dues: Minimum 10.00/chorus, Or 1.00/member whatever is larger
Will not collect dues this year, perhaps next yearAll incoming mail goes to hub first, then out from there. So only one address that all SSN mail goes to.
At the Festival SSN will want some time set aside that doesn’t conflict for 1-2 network meetings. Probably only 1-2 people per chorus.
Maybe a SSN meeting at GALA? 8-10 people in the room will be at GALA in San Jose.Perhaps a social function at GALA that is SSN? Will have to have a point person to contact with Gala and take on that piece - ASAP. Reserve space/time. June will contact with GALA to see about this. Worst case is that SSN would piggyback onto a women’s event and make it a social thing.
Gala should be a social SSN event to find out about the upcoming SSN festival and get info out about SSN
not a meeting!If we piggy back a SSN meeting onto something else (like at the festival). It needs to be an ORGANIZED SSN meeting and announced as such.
Next Salmon Singers meeting (- the local festival planning group, not to be confused with Sister Singers) June 11 in Lansing
Chris will try to make June 11, Diana too.
Suggest to put official notice of the wonderful job done here with this weekend
Agreement and that it was done without having any festival experience.
It has been fun
Thank you to Cheryl and Janet for taking notes