Sister Singers Network
March 24, 2002
Indianapolis, IN


Chris Reed (SSN), Carol Wheeler (Bread and Roses Feminist Singers, DC), Carolyn Kasprowicz (Artemis Singers, Chicago), Marlys Pedtke (Indianapolis Women’s Chorus), Cindy Ramsey (Calliope—Twin Cities), June Huelskamp (MUSE, Cincinnati's Women's Choir), Angie Denov (MUSE), Sheryl Mase (also representing Janice Scalza) (Grand Rapids Women’s Chorus), Midge Stocker (Artemis Singers, Chicago).


We want to identify a graphic artist to do the work first and then work with that person. We will ask for samples and then the steering committee will choose the artist. The steering committee will consider interviewing artist candidates prior to making a final choice.

Goal: By the end of August, the steering committee will have selected the graphic artist. By the fall meeting, the possible logos will have been posted on the site, and we will be able to make a decision at the fall meeting.

The final candidate will present a range of possible logos, and the steering committee will narrow that to 2 or 3 for consideration by the fall meeting.

Items we want: digital image (at various resolutions), cameraready copy (at various sizes).

Renditions: simple logo, letterhead, envelope. Possible application for merchandise (t-shirts, etc).

Announcement to post:

Sister Singers Network ( seeks women graphic artists who would like to develop a logo for use by the network. Consult our web site to get a sense of who SSN is and what she does. Our budget for this, including development of related items (letterhead, envelopes, etc) and all rights, is a maximum of $1200. Please submit representative work samples via email to by June 30, 2002.


$19,728.15 is coming out of the GR festival (which started with a seed of 8,566.26). The seed is set at $10,000, and the rest will go back into the general SSN account. MUSE will act as fiscal agent for SSN, so GR will send the money to June (MUSE treasurer). The amount may be slightly more because of interest.

Fall Meeting Revisited

We selected a weekend in October for the fall meeting, so Artemis can be represented at the meeting (and to give steering committee member Diana Clegg a chance to be there). October 26-27, tentatively selected, to be confirmed soon by Cincinnati!

Action Items

June is confirming date for next meeting and setting up MUSE as fiscal agent for SSN.

Carol & Midge will work on getting to a new host and new features. Carol will set up Newsletter section and post logo call on web site and send message to choruswomen to announce logo call, Chris will send request for articles to choruswomen list. When host has been selected, Carol & Midge will request payment to the host as needed.

Marlie will get back to us with Indy decision about festival.

All will encourage chorus members to sign up for the choruswomen elist.
