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Greetings & Welcome to Enchantment

Enchantment is my safe haven filled with my thoughts, hopes, and beliefs upon which I choose to live this lifestyle. I am primarly a Dominant Switch, 25 years old, and pretty self-confident, but always willing to listen & learn. ~smiles~

When I state that I am a Switch, what I mean is this: I have a very Dominant personality and only recently have very honestly and in a healthy manner gotten in touch with that very real part of my core self. I am very much in charge in my every day life, maintain my own sense of morality, and have very defined boundaries. I am my own woman and confident of my abilities in the paths I choose to follow.

Now that you understand that I have a very general dominant personality, I can also explain that I am submissive in some areas of my life. Sexually, I am typically submissive with Dominant men. I will defer to One who is more powerful and dominant than I and enjoy many of the pleasures & pains that attend those times. Make no mistake, however, that I do not *play* at this lifestyle. I submit to those I am drawn to and I dominate the one that I have chosen.

Being a Switch is not too much of a difficult or easy thing for me to be. I don't turn on or off either side of my personality, but rather entirely obey my very primitive instincts. I live my life rather simply. I simply choose to *be*.

I have been involved in BDSM for some years and have learned much about who I am, what I desire, and what is healthy for me. So then, this site is dedicated to the learning & sharing of real experiences, my personal ideas upon the lifestyle, and to share my growth *in* the lifestyle with any who care to visit.

I am very proud to be the Owner of a beautiful and breathtaking submissive, Jennifer. Together, we have chosen to walk down a path of discovery, learning, and sharing of the lifestyle and love that we share. She is my constant companion, whom I cherish and adore, my best friend, and darling lover. To read more about Jenni and myself, please feel free to visit ~*~ Captivation ~*~ where you will find a beautiful library section, numerous links, our thoughts and feelings on lifestyle issues, and Jenni's entire section on submission and her journey in living the life.

Within Enchantment, you will have many paths to choose from. I have a great deal of poetry that I have to offer you...poems of submission and slavery, as well as dominant pieces that I am working on at the present time. I hope that you will take a moment to visit some of the causes that I support, for they are all very dear to me and the links provided are a great source of information.

I wish you well on your journey through Enchantment and hope that you enjoy all that is offered to you. If you would like to contact Me, please feel free to write to me at: I will reply to any mail that is written to me at that address. Any comments or submissions of content to help further this website are most welcome.

Blessings to you and yours.

"Come to the edge
He said. They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge
He said. They came.
He pushed them, and
they flew..."
-Guillaume Apollinaire

Coming soon...resources on abuse, quotes, poetry, scene music, and more! Please email Enchantment if Y/you'd like to be notified of updates, or join the Captivation mailing list.

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Articles on Dominance


The Library

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