What is a Stephanie?

An aspiring science fiction writer. Dark Angel. I  can be quiet and shy. At other times--completely wild! Like most      people, it all depends on my mood. I love hanging out with my family and friends, reading, listening to music and watching tv and films. I have a quick temper so watch out!
I'm forever chasing the impossible and I don't know if that makes me an optimist for believing in the impossible or a cynic for saying "impossible". Confused?             Yeah, I like to do that sometimes. Other times, I just love to laugh, drink (I'm a lush) and eat (Is dinner ready yet?).
Why  am I doing this? (Who cares, right?)
The  3 women listed to the left have had life altering impacts on my life so I decided to pay tribute to them. For those who don't know, Tori is a musician, Octavia is a science fiction writer and Sylvia is...or rather was a poet. Explore their skies soon.
Ultimately,  I hope this page will put me in contact with other confused people so we can mystify one another, come up with really bad prose and complain about how the literary world "just isn't ready" for  our brilliance.