The distinctive purpose of St. Martin of Tours School is as follows:

1. To proclaim the Gospel message in order to manifest peace, unity, love, patience and respect for self and others.

2. To build a faith community willing to serve.

3. To assist parents to understand and accept their role and responsibility as primary educators.

4. To educate the whole person, spiritually, physically, intellectually, and psychologically.

This requires an awareness on the part of all concerned - staff, priests, and families. Together we use our unique talents and gifts, ad having come from an all-loving God, to help each individual child realize his or her potential as a Christian person. As a Faith Community, we experience together what it means to live a life of prayer, community, and personal responsibility and freedom.

The daily efforts of our teachers, supported by the parents, are directed toward enabling each child to become an integrated Christian person. The complementary roles of parents and teachers are enhanced through regular communication, mutual cooperation and respect. The responsibility for spiritual growth, academic achievement, and the formation of Christian values is shared. It is accomplished through a threefold emphasis on faith, education, and discipline.

Experiences are provided to nurture in students an awareness of themselves and of others in their community and world. In a Christian atmosphere, students are encouraged to recognize and accept individual differences and responsibility for what happens in their society. This involves an expanded study and evaluation of customs and trends in neighborhood, city, country and world. These activities guide them through responsible decision making to move from "awareness" to "sustained action" in matters of peace and justice.

It is vitally important that each child meet with success. Our Catholic school seeks to provide a comfortable, happy atmosphere where students feel accepted and affirmed. Excellence in education in a safe, fun environment is a top priority. Cooperation, rather than competition, is stressed. We attempt to provide suitable academic programs for students according to various learning styles and both deductive and inductive methods are utilized as deemed appropriate. This methodology creates an atmosphere where positive self concepts develops.

St. Martin of Tours School works with parents to give children a strong foundation of Jesus so that they are better prepared to live lives of service.



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