#include using namespace std; int Menu(); enum CHOICE{DrRect=1,GtArea,GtPerim,Rsize,Exit}; int DrawRect(int l,int w); int DrawRect(int l,int w) { for(int i=0;i>choice; return choice; } class Rectangle { public: Rectangle(int l,int w); ~Rectangle(){} GetLength(){return length;} SetLength(int l){length=l;} GetWidth(){return width;} SetWidth(int w){width=w;} GetArea(){return length*width;} GetPerim(){return ((2*length)+(2*width));} private: int length; int width; }; Rectangle::Rectangle(int l,int w) { length=l; width=w; } int main() { int length; int width; cout<<"enter the initial length of the rectangle: "; cin>>length; cout<<"\nenter the initial width of the rectangle: "; cin>>width; cout<<"\n"; Rectangle New(length,width); int choice; int fquit=false; while(!fquit) { choice=Menu(); switch(choice) { case DrRect: length=New.GetLength(); width=New.GetWidth(); DrawRect(width,length); break; case GtArea: cout<<"\nThe area is:"<>length; cout<<"\nenter the new width of the rectangle: "; cin>>width; cout<<"\n"; New.SetLength(length); New.SetWidth(width); break; case Exit: fquit=true; break; default: cout<<"\ninvalid choice\n"; break; } } return 0; } 1