European Robin/Latin:  Erithacus rubecula/Greek:  P@PP4<@8"Ê:0H or "red-breast"    


Birds of New Jersey - private collection of North American bird sound recordings with exact date and location of recording

Warblers, Wrens, Mimids, Vireos and Woodpeckers of New Jersey - also includes bird sound recordings from Yosemite National Park

Stephen Ross Guitarist - check out his new CD under the band name - Rogosonic.

Stay tuned for the videos of birds he saw in Greece.

Bird Songs of North America and Greece 

(Under construction)

More Birds



Birds from Selected National Parks

Birds from Death Valley

Birds from Dry Tortugas

Birds from Glacier

Birds from Grand Tetons

Birds from Yellowstone

Birds from Yosemite


Selected Birds from Greece


Collared Dove


Hooded Crow



Black-billed Magpie (pica pica)

European Robin

European House Sparrow (finch)

Great Tit


Birds of New Jersey


Birds of New Jersey, Bird sounds of New Jersey, Bird songs of New Jersey, Song, songs, call, calls, bird calls, sounds, bird sounds, chirp, cheep, sound, warble, rattle, bird songs, Red-winged Blackbird, Brewer's Blackbird, Yellow-Headed Blackbird, Eastern Bluebird, Mockingbird

Yosemite, Yosemite bird sounds, Slide Mountain, Catskills, Delaware Water Gap, Toulumne Meadows, Cheesequake State Park, Assunpink, Sandy Hook, Evansburg State Park, Shenandoah National Park, Parc de la Gaspesie, Perth Amboy, Mount Rainier, Olympic National Park, Smokey Mountains National Park, Everglades National Park, Cape Breton, Cadillac Mountain, Allaire State Park, Raven, Dry Tortugas, Death Valley,