The Fidelis Party
What the Fidelis Party Stands for:

-More Citizens in Political Roles.
-Free Healthcare for all tax paying citizens and (non tax paying citizens such as Retirees and Children).
-Social Security and Foodstamp funds should be used for the Elderly, Newly starting familys, and the Disabled.
-Producing more energy efficant transportation and electric servie.
-Getting rid of corruption in Government
-Making Government Jobs more apealing to American Citzens.
-Making it harder for Non-US citizens to come over to get American paying jobs.
-Having Government Finance Colleges for Students who can not afford College.
-Encouraging other Political Parties to join the cause and make a more truely Democratic society
The Fidelis Party is an organization for all americans that feel as if their:

Government is too powerful, but yet not powerful enough in the right ways. 

Government is shrowed in to much secretcey. 

Words do not count like they should in a truely Democratic Government

Needs to be more than 2 party choices between Republican and Democrats b/c we are only one party away from Communism or Dictatorship.

I will put up more as i start getting feedback from members