March of Dimes 2000

Setting Up

Here are just a few pictures of the sisters setting up for the Walk!

Jennie and Founding Sister: Lorie Saul-Cardoni prepare bags for the day's walkers!

The Sisters stuffing infromation and flyers into bags for the upcoming event.

Cindy keeps busy (and has fun) getting balloons ready for the campus and children.

Enj and Rachel helping the staff with bags.

Still Getting Ready!

Here are more photos from the Walk.

A picture of the case that we set up to advertise for the Walk, in Bright Hall.

Another photo us preparing for the walk... and having lunch!

Pictured: The Ambassador Family for the March of Dimes, Eastern Montgomery County.

Grads sign petition to allot more money towards finding a cure.


Here are some pictures of us walking...

Grad Sisters: Heather and Kim walk for the cause with Cindy.

Jen and the Millennium Quints (April is hiding).

Lorie and Rachel trailing behind.

Aaaaand they're off! Hillary and Leslie are in the lead...

Our Participants

Here are group pictures of all of the sisters who took part in The March of Dimes.

Our Grads attend and take part in the walk!

A group picture taken at the March of Dimes.

A picture of the group in Bright Hall Lounge after the walk is over!

Yet another group photo of us at the walk.

Our Helpers

Here are some pictures of those who both took place in and helped out with the Walk, and to whom we are always grateful!

Our Dean the "Hero".

The Dean announces the kick off for the Walk.

Brothers and Sisters hanging out before the walk.

Brothers Mike, JoJo, and Chandler of Alpha Chi Rho both participate in and help to setup the Walk.

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Sigma Chi Delta est. 1987