
     Hello and welcome to my Mind, creator and keeper of most wondrous thoughts. :)

     Those who know me know I think a lot. In fact, as I would readily admit, I probably think a little too much. How else could I have discovered Archimedes principle as well as several important Freudian concepts years before I actually came into contact with the principles in writing. Admittedly, I'm in fact several centuries behind the discoveries rather then a couple of years ahead. However, the fact that I actually did came to these concepts through self-thought is testament that I'm more of a thinker than a learner.

     Besides my rambling thoughts, I'd also be including some kind of log-book [this must sounds ominous to some of my pals ;)], where I document some important events that invoke deep thought on my part. Obviously all these will take a lot of work, and probably a whole chunk of time [estimated at 1 lifetime]. Therefore I'll leave it at that, plus a short preview of the soon-to-be controversial log-book with this:"<AW>, the saga." [rolls of thunder!!!]