Border Collies
Perth, Western Australia
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Owned in partnership between myself, Claire, and my mother, Elaine Kelly.  We have been owned by Border Collies for nine years and are only a small kennel with a total of six borders at home (and Bonnie the Kelpie cross!).

Our first introduction to this wonderful breed was back in the UK in the form of a three quarter Border Collie cross called "Patch".  Patch lived with my grandparents and was my friend, companion and 'walking frame' as I grew up!
Pic Above: Taylor

So, when we moved to Australia a Border Collie was the natural choice as a family companion and in 1991 along came

Borderfame Flashy Tux CD

Brennan is our big baby, he wasn't a show dog but gained his CD in spite of me having no idea of what I was doing!  Companion Dog is a title that suits him, being truly a wonderful companion and protector.  Brennan lives with Mum.

Well, when you have one ... 
you've gotta have two! ...


"Kerri" - Ch. Borderfame Strutya Stuff - (pictured above) blitzed into our lives in 1993, immediately deciding from the moment she set paws through the door that she was 'Boss Dog'!  Our true matriarch, Kerry rules over the rest of the crew with an iron paw.  Most of all, she rules my home and my heart.  More about Kerri on her own page (sharing is not in her vocabulary!)

The rest of the kids living at home are:

"Abbi" - Edenbrae Unchaind Melody

"Taylor" - Edenbrae Lovers Melody

"Josh" - Edenbrae Taylored inaTux

"Kapper" - Japanese Champion Amaranth of Sky Dragon Farm CDI 


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Edenbrae at the Perth Royal Show 2000!

We're pretty chuffed about the results from the Perth Royal ... another successful year ... 
  • Edenbrae Lovers Melody (Taylor) was awarded Challenge Bitch, Runner-up to Best of Breed (to her father Sonny - congratulations Westurn!) and Best State Bred Border Collie.
  • Taylors daughter, Edenbrae Taylor Made, won 1st place in her class!
  • Edenbrae Taylored Inatux (Josh) was Best Intermediate Border Collie ... 
  • Best Puppy Border Collie went to 
    Edenbrae Western Mustang (Cash)!


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I hope you enjoy your visit with

Border Collies

   Enquiries welcome ...       



Edenbrae logo & website 
                       designed & maintained by Helen at 

Created May 2000 - last updated 4 November, 2000.   

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Background Picture: Edenbrae Western Chaser