Wallpaper For Your Computer Backdrop
All wallpaper is available in three different resolutions to match your screen resolution settings, and they are all in JPEG (.jpg) format.
The best way to save the wallpaper that you want is to right click your mouse button on the file that you want and click on "Save Target As".
To set them as your desktop wallpaper you can either use them in their current JPEG (.jpg) format or convert them to Bitmap (.bmp).
In JPEG format:
Open the file within your web browser and right click your mouse button on the photograph. In the menu that appears, click on "Set As Wallpaper".
In Bitmap format:
Once downloaded, open the file in a graphics package that is compatible with the JPEG format. Once opened, resave the file as a Bitmap (.bmp) file.
Then, you can use the standard method of properly setting the backdrop by using the Display Properties, accessible by either right clicking the mouse on your backdrop and clicking on "Properties" or by clicking on "My computer - Control Panel - Display".
Alternatively, you could use the quicker method of opening the Bitmap file in Microsoft Paint and in the "File" menu clicking on the "Set As Wallpaper (Centred)" option.
Wallpaper Of Miscellaneous RAF Aircraft
Wallpaper Of Miscellaneous Non-RAF Aircraft
Wallpaper Of Historic Aircraft