Downloading and Uploading...

Music files can be a little tricky to download, as it involves using the media player that you should have pre-installed on your computer.   With a little luck, you can use about the same commands as saving animations.  

First, try the easiest! 
Right Click on the text link to the midi files below.    Select "Save Target As"    This should save you a lot of trouble, if you can do this...  Select your desktop.    (Remember:   If desktop is not shown in the address menu in your 'save as' box, click on the address menu, [that's on the little arrow next to it] and you computer will think a minute, and then give you more options, Desktop being one of them)   If this doesn't work, don't worry, there are more ways!

Your media player should be pre-configured for you.   If you
left click on a music file, such as the ones below, your media player should automatically open, and begin to "play" the music, after a short download.  

The trick is to get your media player to "save" the music, so you can upload it to your website like any other file.

Click on one of the music files below.   (Lots of Midi Sites on the WWW will list there midi's as text links, just like these...)  Your media player should open and play the file.   Once it has been auto-downloaded to your media player, look at your player that has appeared on your screen.    Windows Media Player will have a file menu in the top right corner.   In that menu click on "save as", and save it to your desktop, just like an animation.

Netscape Player usually only needs a "right click" on the player icon itself,  and the menu will be the same.    Select "save as", and save it to your desktop.  

If you cannot get your player to save, try double clicking on it, try the view menu, and click on options.    If you can get to the options screen, make sure that:

1) Play 'Midi Files' is checked.
2) The 'Show Controls' box is checked, in the Full, Compact, and Minimum screens.

With a little fooling around, you should be able to make it so your Media Player will show a "save as" in the file menu.   The file menu is always the top left corner, or a double click on the player or icon of the player, itself...

Saving-   After you hit "save-as",  a menu box pops up that allows you to find a spot.   If you don't see desktop, click on the address bar, and Windows will do a check, and this time it will give you desktop as one of your choices.   It will also give you your different locations, like floppy, etc.

As I have said, save to the desktop, as when we UPLOAD, it is easy to find!

Before you save the two files below, you must know one thing!   They are legal, copyright free Midi Music, created and published by
B & B Music, and offered to your free of charge for use on your personal site!   (Thank you B & B Music!)    You can gain access to their Library of music for a small fee.   Please visit their site, and click on the article by Midi Guru Steve Allen about the pitfalls and legalities of midi music!   Using  midi music of your favorite tunes that you see scattered around the web is a crime, and Spike's Place does not condone or endorse using the technique I just taught you for stealing music and playing illegal files on your web site!

Midi files


Meltdown 50's Rocker

If you have been using "Netzip, or some other program to help you with your downloads in the past, then Netzip may open up first and download the file, then click on play, and it will transfer the music to your Media player, and you are all set.

You can disable Netzip, so it isn't the default downloader, by clicking on the advanced link, and then your Windows program will take over, and be somewhat less obtrusive.   Netzip is a handy program, but Version 5 browsers really don't need it.   You can always start it back up from your Start Menu, anyway.

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