No language can express the power and
beauty and heroism and majesty of a mother's love.
It shrinks not where man cowers, and grows
stronger where man faints, and over the wastes
of wordly fortune sends the radiance of
quenchless fidelity like a star in heaven.

by--E.H. Chapin

Welcome to My Homepage

I am so glad that you stumbled apon my homepage. I am a total
romantic if you can tell from my page :) There is a lot of
imformation on my pages, so there is bound to be something for
everyone here. I have a ton of ideas for my page and am already
planning to expand some more. I just can't decide what to start
on first. I hope you will enjoy your stay and please do come
and visit me agian. I am going to be putting up an award for
people to apply for soon. So I am looking forward to that :)
I will be starting a Message Board so people can talk and maybe
give me ideas about my page. I am always rearranging so please
email me if you see anything not working properly.

Thank You All

Hello Everyone!! I will try and keep up with my Geocities page
but I have actually started a new improved web page that is basically
just for Anne of Green Gables and Avonlea!! I am very excited about
this new page. I have done a lot of work to it and will be doing even more.
So please check it out and let me know what you think!! I will be doing
new things with this page as well so please keep visiting me
here as well. I thank you for your support!!!

To visit this page Click Below on Avonlea Addicts Button.

I would love to thank all of my wonderful supporters who visit me regularly.
I would also like to apologize for not keeping up with my pages.
I feel so bad for this, especially with all of the
wonderful people emailing me and signing my guestbook.
I am going to try really hard and start working on my pages more.
I have a lot planed for my site. I have a ton of new
pictures of Anne and Gilbert for the fans, so look forward to that.
I also have some new page ideas, so please come and visit me again soon.
Thank you for your friendship and devotion. I will try to be a better friend.

Thank you so much for making my homepage
Wellesley Site of the Week for
the week of July 4.

I owe it to all of my wonderful internet friends!!
I couldn't have done it with out you!!

Enjoy Your Visit

Heartfelt Emotions of Love For The Love of a Child Your Not Alone
Anne of Green Gables Jonathan Crombie Megan Follows
The Tea Room The Library The Book Store
Climbing the Alpine Path Life as a College Student Ladies of the Heart
The Garden House A Little About Myself The Lab
Awards I've Revceived My List of Links My Webrings
Rosebudd's Graphics Rosebudd's Flower Garden Rosebudd's World

If you would like to add a link to my page. You may use the following graphic :)

This graphic was made by Rosebudd's Graphics.

New Found Hope has just recieved its first award!!!
Come and See!

New Found Hope Book Store

I am now pleased to present to my visitors my new book store.
It is in Association with so you know what
wonderful treats will be inside.

Take Me There!!

Please come and stop by, do a little browsing :)

This page will soon be totally redone!! I am dying to find a look
of my own! So you probably notice a few changes here and there.
If you notice anything not working properly, Please email me :)

I will Also be adding a few new sections.
Come back and see whats new :) I will be adding a
Victoriana, Gardening and a Tea section.

My List Of Links

I have now put up a link page. Come by and check it out.
Wonderful links to all kind of places on the net. I plan
putting somemore on there, but with school starting I don't
have as much time as I would like. So please keep checking
back!! There will soon be some method to all this madness!!

Come Take A Look At My Links

The Garden House

I am proud to be a member of  The Garden House.
I have just started a page about The Garden House and all of
the lovely gifts they have been so gracious to bestow apon me.
I just started on it so it definitely needs work :)
My friends at The Garden House


I am proud to be a member of The Ladies of the Heart.
I know have a LOTH page. On it you can see all the wonderful
gift and award I have recieved from all of my sisters.
It is a new page so it need some more work :)
My LOTH Sisters

true chica thru and thru

This is a very important bear!!
Click on him to see why!:)

Daremore Quotes

Please!! make sure that before you leave you sign my guestbook :)
I love every signiture. It is also a sure way of getting me to
visit your homepage and sign your guestbook :)


back    home    next

Rosebudd's Graphx

The Background and Graphics
were found at Rosebudd's Graphics.

In Association with      

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feel free to email me.
I love hearing from my guests.
You can just click on the email button.


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