May 2001 Featured Pal!

This months featured pal has been on the list for a couple of years now and has proven to be one of the best scrapals around! When ever there is a sale on any scrapper site Hetty is always sharing the link with us. This is very important stuff to the real scrapper :-) She has helped girls that received a virus including me, by sharing links to help repair the problem. She finds new and fun sites to cover alot of different areas such as paperpiecing, punchart and other things and posts them to the list.
Hetty is always there to help out a scrapal and is one of the great girls that make Scrapals exactly what it is today, a family!
I have nothing but, great things to say about Hetty and I do count her as a friend and along time Scrapal which makes her a perfect person for the May 2001 Featured Pal spot!

