Lezbian Connection.com

"Striving 2 unite lesbians worldwide...The website made by lesbians 4 lesbians.."

About my site .: LezbianConnection.com :. and how it came to be.

I've been around the web since early 98 when I helped with the creation and success of the website Lesbian Expansion.
Maybe some of you gals had frequented it then. I lost my domain name to some guy in Mexico.

Since then, I also had ran Lesbian Xpansion 4 a couple of years, till my domain name ran out and some yahoo mcdaniel bought it. Still didn't learn my lesson.

Now I have LezbianConnection.com.

Would you like to be a part of our team?
If you are looking for a creative outlet with unlimited space, and the opportunity to expose your work to other lesbians, then LezbianConnection.com has an opportunity for you.
We are on the lookout for women that have a knack for writing, could volunteer some time and would like to be a part of this growing community.
The range of topics is open and so diverse; from lesbian issues to health to sports to the latest nitelife scene in your hometown and more..
We are also looking for artists, musicians, photographers..any woman that has a passion for what she does and would like to share it with other lesbians worldwide..

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If you are not automatically re-directed to our new home within 10 seconds, please click this link to go 2   lezbianconnection.com .

This way to LezbianConnection.com
Thanks and I'll c'ya in the Chatrooms :o)