Baby Development

Month by Month


First Trimester

Month 2
Your baby is about 1 inch long and weighs about 1 ounce. It has a beating heart. The stomach, brains, and lungs are forming. It has fingers and toes and the eyelids and other facial features are beginning to appear.
Month 3
Your baby weighs a little more than 1 ounce and is about 3-4 inches long. It is beginning to move and can even suck its thumb. Arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, and toes are fully formed. Hair may start to appear on head. The kidneys are functioning and sending urine to the bladder


Second Trimester

Month 4
All of the organs are completely developed. It is about 6-8 inches long and weighs about 6 ounces. It is becoming more active. A heartbeat may be heard.
Month 5
It is about 8-12 inches long and wighs 1/2 - 1 pound. It is busy developing muscles and moves regularly. It begins to develop patterns of sleep and activity.
Month 6
It is about 12-14 inches long and weighs 1/2-2 pounds. It can hear, swallow, hiccup, move, turn and open and close its eyes.


Third Trimester

Month 7
It weighs about 3 pounds and is about 15-16 inches long. Bones are beginning to harden. It kicks, moves, arms, stretches, and wiggles. Tooth structures are forming in the gums. It may respond to soothing music or your voice.
Month 8
It weighs 4-6 pounds and is about 18 inches long. It kicks strongly. Head bones are soft and movable. It hiccups, urinates, swallows and sucks fingers and toes.
Month 9
It weighs about 6 1/2- 8 pounds and is about 19-20 inches long. It will usually turn in birthing position or head down, ready to be born. It moves and kicks, but does not have as much room.


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