
Looks as though you have found me (bet your real excitied too). Well, you should be!!! Guess I should tell you something about myself. My name is Melissa. I am origionally from the Bluegrass State of Kentucky, county of Henderson, but I now reside in Mobile, Alabama. I have red hair, yes natural, blue eyes and I wear glasses. For those of you who want to know my weight, since that seems to be the first question out of everyone's mouth, I am 5'6 and I weigh 165lbs. Hey, I never claimed to be a beauty queen.

I am very pleased to announce that I have just received my first award! Thanks LadyLinx *S*

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

For additional information about me:Click Here

Tired of hearing all those horror stories about love on the Internet? Well then, click here and read about a couple who met on the net and are now happily married.Melissa & Chris

Looking for a devoted pen pal? Try looking at my Inmate Connection page!!

Take a look at my photo album: The Funny Farm--Wedding and Honeymoon photos have now been added.


ATTENTION COUNTRY MUSIC FANS: I found the neatest site the other day, full of country wavs. It has many artists listed into easy to find categories. Check outCafe O' Country Wavs

Love Links

Now, being a red head, I had to ad this page. Steven, a lover of red heads has taken it upon himself to make a site dedicated to them. Here he has links to various red heads from all over the net. If you too are a "lover of redheads" then take a look. You'll be glad you did.

Build your Dream Date

Have you even wondered what something would sound like in redneck, jive, or any other "language"? Well visit the Dialectizer and find out!!!

Check out other people's Homepages

Daily Horoscopes

For all you people who have nothing better to do than to read what goes on in my mind..here ya go...myThoughts Page

Find out how DIRTY your mind really is.

My Dedication Page

My Webrings

When your done here, why not go and check out Chris' page (my husband). Make sure to sign his guestbook!

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