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Hi there! I'm Natty's Mom!

What will you find here? What will you find here? I dunno...  am I supposed to know?  Gee...  it wasn't my turn to watch the Web site...  was it??  Let's see... Mom stuff, of course!  Uplifting, motivational things, umm, maybe eventually I'll throw in some nutrition and health and safety tips, and even some html helper stuff! 

I'm Stormdream, well, my mom calls me Lisa...   LOL    I'm a single mom, my son is 8, going on 40!  I work at being a Web Site Designer type-person - which I'm doing as a home-based business (actually two!) I  "do" web-site design and motivational talks.  So...  if you'r feeling down, down, down, maybe I can help lift you up a bit.  And if your web site is driving you nuts, let me know, maybe I can help!  No, wait, I do a third "thing"!!  I'm also a Marketing Consultant, for a great computer support/consulting company - C-ware + - they're the ones who keep my "box" here running!  Yep, they don't just help businesses, they help regular people too!

This page has been started as a kind of hobby...   and a place, I hope, eventually, to share ideas!   If you need any help setting up your site, or have any questions, let me know.   I'll do what I can to help out.  If you are interested in becoming a Geocities Community Leader, by all means, please apply! (click here!)

Thanks for stopping by, God Bless!

Welll...   I write a lot...  so, here's some "stuff" for you to look at, if you're in the mood...  go for it!
Ocean - Imagine the waves crashing on the shore, they give the rythmn for this poem
Sweet Champagne - A friend and I kind of created this line by line on the spur of the moment one night...
Love is A Whisper - Written as a birthday present for a very special person
Have Faith - Times are so hard sometimes, things can get real weird...  that's when we need to have Faith!
The Road - Lost, angry, alone, and don't want to stop at the gas station to ask for directions?
The Most Wonderful Talent Of All

- A gift from my son to his grandmother

Someone Asked Me - an essay ...
Success is a Choice  - an essay ...
Psalm 139 - a beautiful poem of praise and joy
Motivational, Inspirational, and Informational - things of all sorts!
Serendipity List - a Christian mailing list I just started - come join us in fellowship!


Links to other sites on the Web (This is what I've had time for, so far)
Nathaniel's Page For Kids - This is my son's page, he uses it for a start page, maybe you will like it too!  I hope so! Yosemite National Park Home Page - This site is not only informative, for vacation ideas and stuff, but it is so beautiful too! Check out the Ansel Adams photos!
Luminaria's Star Wars Sounds - My Star Wars the Phantom Menace Sounds web site.  Gee... that was hard to figure out, huh?  LOL Christian Quotation of the Day - We all need a bit of inspiration at times! The also have links to other neat sites, like Keys For Kids.
They say folks are so cynical now.... an essay I wrote... a bit of nostalgia... and a way of looking at things... Where Are We? Have you locked yourself in a box? Are you living a "settle for" life? Where are you?
Metacrawler - The BEST Search Engine I have ever seen! Search the top 9 Search Engines - AltaVista * Excite * Infoseek * Lycos * Thunderstone * Webcrawler * Yahoo and a couple of others - all at once! (and collates them for you!!!) Basic HTML Help site - Basics to get you started! If you have any questions, let me know!

Thanks for visiting! Send me a note and say "Hi"! I love mail, don't you?

© 1997 dreamer2112@juno.com

You are visitor since Wednesday, March 24th, 1999


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