Let my guardian angels rest upon your shoulder knowing
that during your stay here they will protect you
and keep you from harm. Why don't you click on them and
they will take you to their secret place where you may
adopt your own guardian angel

Before we begin, I would like to tell you that the pages
following will be about abuse. Women, Men & children. I do
not intend to post graphic content, but sometimes we need
to get our point across and this may be the only way.
As I place a link or text section, I will always include the
content, this way you won't just stumble onto something that
could be triggering for you.

The reason I have chosen to include such intensive subject
matter on my page is because I feel we as a "community"
should pull together and help in any way we can. My goal is
for someone out there reading this that has either survived
abuse, going through it now, or YOU know someone that is,
to reach my hand out to you and make as many resources as
possible available. Know you are not the only one! I know
it maybe scary to leave, but take it from a survivor...
it is just one small step of fear into a brand new world.
Many of us think, "Oh, I wouldn't know how to do this on
my own", but there are several community organizations out
there that can and will help you. Just please, please get
away and get the life that YOU deserve.

Here are some links. I will try to catorgarize them as
much as I can. I will apply a "*" next to the link if
it may cause any triggers along with a description.
If you need to talk, vent, a shoulder, whatever, please
feel free to Write to me. I will answer all, and as fast as I
possibly can. I am also a member of ICQ. If you would
like to, page me and if I'm online, I will be more than happy
to talk. The link will take you to my Communications
Center and you can mail me or page me from there. If you
have ICQ, my #is 13454072.
For those of you who are survivors, my prayers are with
you so you may continue healing and gain strength with
every passing day. If you are in an abusive situation now
and would like to get out, you can call 1-800-799-7233
or go here and you will get information from the National
Domestic Violence Hotline as well as a message from President
Clinton when he addresses the issue of Domestic Violence.

Survivor Links
Gay, Lesbian & Transdered Links
Male Links
Women Links
Children Links

I will be posting links for abuse poetry, journals, chat,
ect. ASAP. If there is anything you would like to see,
please Email your
requests and I will see what I can do.

If you have a moment, why don't you stop by my best-friend
Gina's Home and say hello. She is also an abuse
survivor of different types. I am so glad to have met her,
she is truly an inspiration to me on those, "I can't do
this anymore" days. We met online nearly two years ago, and
I tell you, she is a Godsend. I thank my lucky stars everyday
that He sent a friend like her my way for I have been blessed.
Throughout these pages you will see things that Gina has sent
to me. We are working together to try and fight this terrible
epedimic of abuse.
May the healing and strength begin....

Main Majestic Home
Web Rings
My Family

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