Dear Readers :

Looking for the old Cat/Astrophe or PinkPig files? I've taken them all down and will not be putting them back anywhere for a long time to come. The links that are left behind?

My current fitness endeavors are now at The Road to Orlando and at Primagravida.

Below is a quick timeline of my pregnancy:

May 2003:

  • After a year of planning and then another year of actively trying to conceive despite my problems with hypothyroid and PCOS, Paul and I are now expecting our first baby! We're delighted, thrilled, terrified and all that other good stuff.

Summer 2003:

  • I've scaled back on a lot of things as I adjust to being pregnant. Suddenly my body is not my own any more.
  • Paul and I are not doing the Disney half marathon this year as planned because I am due Feb 2004.
  • I've grown used to low-grade chronic nausea. Lucky Charms is the only food that tastes ok coming back up. :P
  • I miss exercising and the gals at water aerobics class. I am investigating my options for a prenatal yoga class, prenatal massage, and more.

October 2003:

  • We register for labor/birth class.

November 2003:

  • We get to find out gender....maybe. Baby did not want to cooperate at my 12 week ultrasound. S/he may not want to again.
  • We learn that Cletus is a GIRL in time for Paul's birthday. He admits he'd been secretly wanting a little girl all along.

December 2003:

  • I'm diagnosed with gestational diabetes and my OB hands my case over to a high risk perinatologist. So far, no insulin -- just control with diet and exercise.I attend diabetes nutrition class.
  • My father has a heart attack, but is doing fine. The same weekend of his attack, we attend and complete our Lamaze weekend class. It was a crazy weekend with so much going on but we both enjoyed class.
  • We met our doula for the first time and both like her very much.
  • I buy a new car for Xmas. Hooray!

January 2004:

  • 1/5: Detailed ultrasound reveals baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead of her age and is 7.5 lbs. If she continnues at this rate I may be induced at 38 weeks. We schedule another u/s.
  • 1/10 Although we do not race, we go to the 2004 Disney Half Marathon expo to collect our race packets and goodie bags. We register for 2005's half marathon.
  • I revive the fitness blog (The Road to Orlando) as I look ahead to post-partum fitness.
  • 1/13: OB visit reveals I am 50% effaced and a fingertip dilated! Keeping blood glucose under control with diet alone still.
  • 1/21: OB revelas I am 60% effaced and 2 cm dilated! Baby is at least 9 lbs so I'm scheduled for induction with emergnecy C-section if needed. I'm hoping to be induced and do the rest on my own...

JANUARY 31, 2004

Astrophe_Baby joined the party on planet earth at 10:12 PM by emergency c-section after 20 hours of labor. She was 9 lbs, 5 oz and 20.75 inches long. Mommy and Daddy are thrilled!


So that's the news here. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you are all doing great!



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(C) 1998-2003 Astrophe