Christine Rosche writes:
Liebe Frauen im und um das KOSMOS! Eine Anschuldigung wird nicht dadurch wahrer, dass sie in immer neuen Varianten formuliert wird.

Ich weiß nicht, was dich, Kristin, und dich, Christian bewogen hat, gerade jetzt eure Geschichten mit Manuela zu bündeln und in einer Form zu veröffentlichen, die weder Versöhnung noch konstruktive Auseinandersetzung möglich machen.

You're right Christine, an accusation is no truer simply because it is repeated. But when numerous people are accusing someone of similar things, then a pattern arises which should be taken seriously.

I had heard from Christian Klein, El Awadilla, Martina Huber, Martina Cizek and others that there were ongoing conflicts with Manuela at Kosmos, that people had quit because of her harassment, and that several women were afraid of her but were also afraid to speak out for fear of further harassment and retribution. I told several people that if women were afraid that they should take it very seriously because Manuela was capable of physical violence - that I had experienced it, and that I had heard of other incidents as well. El Awadilla asked me if I would be willing to write publicly about what had happened to me in Oslo, and I agreed that I would. I dont think it is right in any institution that people should be afraid for their physical or emotional safety.

Eure Sprache entsetzt mich, würde mich auch dann entsetzen, wenn ich Manuela nicht seit fast zwanzig Jahren kennen würde. Ich halte die Dämonisierung eines Menschen (Kosmosmitarbeiterin und Schlägerin) nicht nur menschlich, sondern auch politisch für sehr fragwürdig.
I just wrote about what happened. I didnt make the title on the web-page.

In Beziehungen geschieht manches, was einer später leid tut. Trotzdem weiß ich mit absoluter Gewissheit, dass Manuela keine Schlägerin und Sadistin ist. Ich weiß es.
When I first telephoned you Christine not long after the attack to tell you what happened, you told me that you were Manuela's friend and that you believed her version not mine. I dont expect that to change now. I wrote letters to both you and to Manuela expressing my rage, outlining the physical and emotional effects of the beating, and detailing what I had reported to the police. I never received a response to either of those letters.

Auch weil ich deine Geschichte, Kristin, (Warum wird nirgends erwähnt, dass du und Manuela eine lange Beziehung hattet?) und deine, Christian (Warum wird nirgends erwähnt, dass Manuela dir die Brücke ins kosmos gelegt hat?) fast simultan und unverstellt mitbekommen habe.
Yes, Manuela and I were involved for a couple years. This only made the betrayal, trauma and shock of physical violence all the more painful and brutal. I also didnt think that she would get violent in a conflict. But she did. It made reporting the incident much harder for me. If she had been a stranger or a more distant colleague I would have reported the attack to the police immediately that night. I didnt mention our personal history in my open letter because I didnt find it relevant. We had been split at the time for over a year and a half.

But perhaps you are right, perhaps it is relevant. One of the main reasons I split with Manuela was that I found her unable to listen to various sides in a conflict and unable to compromise - she always had to be right, and she would get extremely aggressive about it. I thought it might improve if we were just colleagues, but it got worse. Manuela seems to divide her world into allies and enemies. If you are her ally she can be extremely sweet, but if you become her enemy (by disagreeing with her for example) she can become suddenly cruel and brutal. I find this disturbing and frightening, and I think it's something that people who are dealing with her should be warned about.

Ich bitte euch um Veröffentlichung meiner Stellungnahme.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Mag. Christine Rosche

It has been done.


Kristin Norderval 1