Divine's Treasures

My Treasures


What's New









This homepage passed the 1000th mark on 2 February 1999. Hooray! :)
Thanks Michelle, for being Visitor #2000 on 17 April 1999. :)
The 3000th mark was passed in August 1999.
Thanks Ed, for being Visitor #4000 in July 2000. :)

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What's New :

I can't decide if I want to start a blog or to keep a diary in here... :P We'll see! ;)

I've been a Registered Nurse for almost four years now. Time flies! ;)

I'm now waiting for my paperwork to be ready so I can fly off to Melbourne to work, and start a new life there. I'm really excited about it cause it will be a dream come true. I sacrificed seven years of my life and finally, my dream of migrating is coming true! :D

I'm now at a huge crossroads in my life - ending my life in Singapore, whilst preparing for a new life in Melbourne. It's certainly a very exciting time for me! Hopefully, I'll be able to update and work on my website so I can record my last days here and my new life there in my homepage. ;)

Tuesday, 11 April 2006

Amusing Quote of the Day :

bear Post a message on my forum (message board)!

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This page is designed with love, care and pride.
Created by Karina.
This site was created on Sunday, 12 July 1998.
Last updated on Tuesday, 11 April 2006.

pot of flowers

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