We are an independent non-governmental organisation. These pages were designed to be a base for discussions, exchanging views and information about important global issues concerning women in our time.
General Information
In the contemporary age, communication has become more complicated qualities and is developed in larger dimensions, accelerating the natural direction of social development.
Therefore, it is necessary for the social understanding to develop with the same speed.
One of the devices of social understanding is considering the direction of development in the process of information expansion. However,despite the development of the information and communication systems, the world has witnessed disharmony in various political, cultural, and economical scenes.
The research methods have taken the existing conditions as their pivot, ignoring the moral and spiritual values in their assumptions. So they have failed to identify the reality of their society, in order to predict the future based upon that.
The main cause of abnormalities and the social crisis in the past decades are:
- The disability to identify the roots and origins of problems in the researches,
- The unjust distribution of power, information and wealth in the world.
The results of these crisis strike too often women and children and the weaker or oppressed groups.
To improve the current situation, it is necessary to harmonize the organizational activities of women worldwide and to acquaint them with their social rights through network researches.
The Women Researchers' organisation is created with the above intention, and with the purpose to get acquainted with the activities of women scholars and other interested researchers or academics.
Our group has the following goals:
Creation of a Communication Network
The plans to create the communication Network started at 1998, and in a near future it will be able to offer its network services to women researches with various skills and professions at different levels.
The final goals of the Network are:
Development, improvement, and elevation in order to bring the intellectual thoughts (in the fields of science and religion) closer together.
The Muslim Women Researchers' Communication Network is hoping to offer a research method for women issues, which can not only harmonize the various needs of the society, but can also offer solutions for meeting the needs upon shared spiritual/religious values.
Considering the mentioned aims, protection of women, specially the oppressed is on the focus by the Communication Network and it is suggested that research centers and women organizations (regional, national and international) carry out common researches in issues from which some are mentioned below:
- Historical pathology of injustice and oppression towards women and consideration of various abnormalities, dishonour and violence throughout the times,
- Presence (or lack of presence)of the oppressed groups (specially women's) in global decision making,
- Studying the results of the activities of Women NGOs and organizations (governmental and nongovernmental) and the evaluation of their efficiencies in the situation of women today.
- Studying the changes in the social structures (such as family) throughout the world in the last 50 years and its influence in social crisis.
- Studying the position of moral and ethics in technology.
- Studying the creation of international definitions such as Freedom, Justice, Peace,Development, Equality, Poverty, Security, etc.; Prediction of the changes in the meanings of the above concepts and the possibility of their replacement in the world.
We would appreciate the views, suggestions, critics and cooperation of researchers, scholars, and all interested people.
P.O.Box: 14155-6419, Tehran, IRAN
Tel.: (xx 98-21) 8035457
Fax: (xx 98-21) 803617
E-mail: mwro@excite.com
As we observe the situation of women today in the world and in islamic countries we feel the urgence to identufy and analyse the real causes of the problems that women are confronted with.
Therefore we want to focus and explore the following points in all our themes and topics:
Email: mwro@excite.com