Alginate to political and cultural future of women status (taken from an article from Dr. P. Fazelian regarding the World Seventh Congress, 26-30 June, 1999 Norway)
In spite of researches about political and culture situation of women at national, international and world wide level, problems of personal and social welfare of human (especially women) have not been solved.
Military and chemical attracts are main obstacles confronting women to improve political, cultural and economical efficiency of their own.
We may ask about the research findings and the ways to apply them in daily life. It is also possible that research methods may cause the gap between research findings and daily life.
Don't you think that main obstacles are to be recognized. Women and politics are among the subjects to be discussed at the congress.
At the same time UN statistics indicate the low level of literacy as a cultural obstacle for women. According to these statistics, ratio of girls of boys to primary and secondary school during the last three decades prohibited women's participation in politics.
The gap Between Holding Conferences on women issues and improving the social status of women
Four major conferences on women issues have been carried out after World War Two:
In spite of the above four world conferences, we still observe women's problems in political, cultural and economical situations hinting at the gap between women's daily problems and similar conferences and their offered methods to solve these problems.
Please send us your feedback.
P. Fazelian